Weebly = Weebly || {}; Weebly.mobile_navigation = (function($) { var SLIDE_RIGHT = "SLIDE_RIGHT", SLIDE_DOWN = "SLIDE_DOWN", SLIDE_STATIC = "SLIDE_STATIC", IOS_ADDRESS_BAR_HEIGHT = 60; var isOpen = false, isMoving = false, supportsTouch = false, pendingResizeData = null, isiOS = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/i) ? true : false ), supports3D = ('WebKitCSSMatrix' in window && 'm11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix()), supportsTouch = false, menuOffsetY = 0, navStyle = SLIDE_STATIC, $menuWrapper, $menuButton, $menu, $body, supports3D; /** * Add a css transition * * @param jquery $o object to animate * @param string property a css transitionable property * @param number speed the ms speed of animation * @param function cb callback function after animation completes * @return undefined */ var addTransition = function($o, property, speed, cb) { if (!speed) { speed = 500; } $o.css({ webkitTransitionDuration : speed + 'ms', webkitTransitionProperty : property, webkitTransitionTimingFunction : 'linear' }); var onTransistionEnd = function(e) { $o.off('webkitTransitionEnd', onTransistionEnd); $o.css({ webkitTransitionDuration : '', webkitTransitionProperty : '', webkitTransitionTimingFunction : '' }); cb(); } $o.on('webkitTransitionEnd', onTransistionEnd); }; /** * Utility animate function for css transitions * * @param jquery $o object to animate * @param object from css properties to animate from * @param object to css properties to animate to * @param number speed the ms speed of animation * @param function cb callback function after animation completes * @return undefined */ var animate = function($o, from, to, speed, cb) { if (!speed) { speed = 500; } if (supports3D) { $o.css({ webkitTransitionDuration : '0ms' }); $o.css(from); setTimeout(function() { addTransition($o, 'all', speed, cb); var props = {}; for (property in to) { if (!to.hasOwnProperty(property)) { continue; } props[property] = to[property]; } $o.css(props); }, 0); } else { //jquery.animate isn't working too well here, disable for now to.avoidCSSTransitions = true; $o.animate(to, { duration : speed, complete : cb }); } }; /** * Controls the menu effect when a menu button is tapped * * @param event e event handler * @return undefined */ var menuTap = function(e) { var menuHeight = $menuWrapper.outerHeight(), effectStart, effectEnd, fromCSS, toCSS; if (isMoving) { return; } isOpen = !isOpen; console.log("1 " + isOpen); isMoving = true; if (isOpen) { console.log("1 " + isOpen); $body.addClass('menu-open'); } var cb = function() { isMoving = false; if (!isOpen) { $body.removeClass('menu-open'); } }; if (navStyle === SLIDE_DOWN) { // '10' here is compensating for the box shadows overlapping // each other between the header and the menu if (!isOpen) { effectStart = 0; effectEnd = -menuHeight - 10; } else { effectStart = -menuHeight - 10; effectEnd = 0; } fromCSS = { '-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d( 0px, ' + effectStart + 'px, 0)' }; toCSS = { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d( 0px, ' + effectEnd + 'px, 0)' }; if (!supports3D) { fromCSS = { top : menuOffsetY + effectStart + 'px' }; toCSS = { top : menuOffsetY + effectEnd + 'px' }; } animate($menuWrapper, fromCSS, toCSS, 300, cb); } else if (navStyle === SLIDE_RIGHT) { var $pageWrapper = $('#wsite-page-wrapper'); cb = function() { isMoving = false; if (!isOpen) { $body.removeClass('menu-open'); $menuWrapper.hide(); $body.css('overflow-x', 'visible'); $('#wsite-viewport').css({ 'overflow' : 'visible', 'height' : '' }); $pageWrapper.css({'background' : 'none', 'height' : ''}); $pageWrapper.css({'height' : ''}); } else { $pageWrapper.one('click', closeMenu); } // causes flickering if visible if (!isOpen) { var $backgroundImage = (Weebly.mobile) ? $('#w-fixed-bg') : $('.wsite-background'); $backgroundImage.show(); } }; var closeMenu = function(e) { if (!isOpen) { return; } menuTap(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $pageWrapper.off('click', closeMenu); }; var timeoutLength = 0; if (!isOpen) { effectStart = '80%'; effectEnd = '0%'; } else { effectStart = '0%'; effectEnd = '80%'; var $backgroundImage = (Weebly.mobile) ? $('#w-fixed-bg') : $('.wsite-background'); if ($backgroundImage.length === 0) { $backgroundImage = $body; } var browserPadding = (isiOS) ? IOS_ADDRESS_BAR_HEIGHT : 0; var $windowProxy = $('#w-mobile-phone-screen'); $windowProxy = ($windowProxy.length > 0) ? $windowProxy : $(window); $pageWrapper.css({ 'background-color' : $backgroundImage.css('background-color') || 'white', 'background-image' : $backgroundImage.css('background-image'), 'background-position' : $backgroundImage.css('background-position'), 'background-size' : $backgroundImage.css('background-size'), 'background-repeat' : $backgroundImage.css('background-repeat'), 'background-clip' : $backgroundImage.css('background-clip'), 'height' : Math.max($backgroundImage.height(), $windowProxy.height() + browserPadding) + 'px' }); //eliminate the 'flicker' from waiting for the background image to load if ($backgroundImage.css('background-image').length > 0 && supports3D && supportsTouch) { timeoutLength = 260; } // causes flickering if visible if ($backgroundImage !== $body) { $backgroundImage.hide(); } $body.css({ 'overflow-x' : 'hidden' }); setTimeout(function() { $menuWrapper.show(); }, timeoutLength); } fromCSS = { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + effectStart + ', 0px, 0)' }; toCSS = { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + effectEnd + ', 0px, 0)' }; if (!supports3D) { fromCSS = { left : effectStart }; toCSS = { left : effectEnd }; } setTimeout(function() { animate($pageWrapper, fromCSS, toCSS, 300, cb); }, timeoutLength); } }; /** * Tweens the menu left or right * * @param jquery $oldSlide the current slide being moved out * @param jquery $newSlide the new slide being moved in * @param bool rightToLeft move to the right if true, left if false * @return undefined */ var tweenMenu = function($oldSlide, $newSlide, rightToLeft) { var $animContainer = $('.wsite-animation-wrap', $menu), sign = (rightToLeft) ? 1 : -1; if (isMoving) { return; } isMoving = true; var newHeight = Math.max($newSlide.outerHeight(), $oldSlide.outerHeight()); $menu.css({ height : newHeight + 'px' }); var menuWidth = $menu.width(); var toX = -sign * menuWidth + 'px'; var fromCSS = { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d( 0, 0px, 0)' }; var toCSS = { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + toX + ', 0px, 0)' }; if (supports3D) { $newSlide.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + (sign * menuWidth) + 'px, 0px, 0)' }); } else { $newSlide.css({ 'left': (sign * menuWidth) + 'px' }); fromCSS = { left : 0 }; toCSS = { left : toX }; } $newSlide.show(); var cb = function() { $oldSlide.hide(); var slideHeight = $newSlide.outerHeight(); //reset animation container $menu.css({ height : slideHeight + 'px' }); $animContainer.css(fromCSS); $newSlide.css(fromCSS); isMoving = false; }; animate($animContainer, fromCSS, toCSS, 300, cb); }; /** * Adds a an active state css class so that button presses * can be styled * * @param jquery $element element(s) to add state to * @param string tagName selector to filter dom elemenets * @return undefined */ var addActiveState = function($element, tagName) { $element.on('touchstart', tagName, function(ev) { $(this).addClass('active'); }); $element.on('touchend', tagName, function(ev) { $(this).removeClass('active'); }); }; /** * Measures the size of the content area to try and place footer * fixed at the bottom of the screen if the screen space is larger * * @return undefined */ var resizeContentWindow = function() { }; /** * Resizes the vertical height of the mobile menu * * @return undefined */ var resizeMenu = function() { if (!$menu) { return; } var menuHeight = $menu.find('.wsite-menu-slide:visible').outerHeight(); if (menuHeight > 0) { $menu.css({ height : menuHeight + 'px' }); } }; /** * Inits the body to detect touch support * * @return undefined */ var initBody = function() { $body = $('body'); if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { $body.removeClass('no-touch'); $body.addClass('touch'); supportsTouch = true; } }; /** * Inits the mobile menu structure * * @return undefined */ var initMenu = function() { var $sideMenus = $('#navmobile .wsite-menu-wrap'), $headerUl, $sliderContainer; $menuButton = $('#mobile'); $headerUl = $('#navmobile .wsite-menu-default'); $headerUl.wrap('
'); $menu = $headerUl.up('.wsite-mobile-menu'); $menuWrapper = $headerUl.up('#navigation'); $menuWrapper = ($menuWrapper.length > 0) ? $menuWrapper : $menu; isOpen = false; isMoving = false; // if (!Weebly.mobile) { // $menuButton.on('click', menuTap); // } var slideCSS = { position: 'absolute', top: '0', left: '0', width: '100%' }; // something to select on $headerUl.addClass('wsite-menu-slide').css(slideCSS); $sideMenus.addClass('wsite-menu-slide').css(slideCSS); // new css settings can cause jarring while animations render, // set the settings here even though they don't really 'do anything' $headerUl.css({ 'left' : '0'}); if (supports3D) { $headerUl.css({'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d( 0, 0px, 0)'}); } $menu.append(''); $sliderContainer = $('.wsite-animation-wrap', $menu); $sliderContainer.css({ position: 'relative' }); if (supports3D) { $sliderContainer.css({'-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden'}); } $sliderContainer.append($headerUl); $sideMenus.each(function() { var $sideMenu = $(this), $parentAnchor = $sideMenu.prev(), $ul = $sideMenu.children('ul'), $previousMenu = $sideMenu.parents('.wsite-menu-slide'); var $backLink = $('